Interview Summary Report

You can create a summary report for a single interview that will be saved as an .RTF document. The contents are very similar to a summary report generated by the automated interview modules. It includes all response data as well as any interviewer comments.

Generate Summary Report

  1. Highlight the interview for which you wish to generate a report.
  2. Select File|Save selected interview as
  3. The program will generate a filename for you. By default the output folder is "<UserName>\My Documents" and the output filename is "<Questionnaire Name> <Site> <Subject> <Other Identifier variables>.RTF". You can override these defaults by entering a custom name and location in the Save dialog box.
  4. Select Save to generate the file.

The file includes version, date, time, and warehousing data, as well as a listing of question number, variable name, label, and response.

Sample Interview Summary Report