Security Tab

You have the ability to encrypt response data and password-protect questionnaires so that unauthorized users are unable to view, export, or modify collected data.

Encryption Selection

From Options|Interview, select the Security tab and click on the appropriate radio button choice: No encryption, Default, Read password, or Key Exchange.

Security tab with default options

Data Encryption Types

  • Default mode—Data are automatically encrypted during interview administration and unencrypted when viewed in the Warehouse Manager.
  • Read password mode—Encryption is based on a password supplied by the questionnaire designer. Using this mode, only users with the correct password can view and export data in the Warehouse Manager.
  • Key Exchange—Encryption provides 128-bit AES encryption for interview data collected by ACASI and CAPI. In the Warehouse Manager, the data manager will append their personal public key (based upon Windows login account information) to the control file to decrypt the interview data files.

In addition, you may optionally add a modify password feature which prevents unauthorized modification of data in the Warehouse Manager. (See Data Security for additional information)

Warning: Users must keep records of all passwords. If a password is lost, it will NOT be possible for the files to be decrypted by you or NOVA.