Time Spans Tab

Go to Options|Data Defaults, Time Spans tab to change defaults for entering time span responses.

Data Defaults Time Spans Tab

Units of Time: Check one to three units of time to be used in expressing time spans. The respondent will be asked to express the length of time using one or more of the selected units—e.g., 3 years and 6 months.

Allow Missing <unit>: Check this box if the respondent will be allowed to answer with an incomplete time span that is missing the number of <unit>. This option applies only if <unit> is one of the selected subunits and not the longest selected unit.

Value for Missing <unit>: Enter the value to be substituted for the <unit> component of the time span when not provided.

Value units: Select the units to be used to express the combined components of Time Span Elements. This must be one of the units of time that are allowed. If the selected value units are not the shortest of the allowed units of time, there may be a fractional value to be truncated or rounded.

Minimum Allowable Value: Enter the shortest time span value (in the chosen value units) to be the default minimum for a valid response.

Maximum Allowable Value: Enter the longest time span value (in the chosen value units) to be the default maximum for valid response.

Enforce Range: Check this box to prevent a span outside the allowable range for a Data Element to be entered. If this box is not checked, a warning will be issued for out-of-range time spans, but they will be allowed.