Building Skip-Edit Check Reports

As with other survey documentation, Skip-Edit Check Reports are created from the Build menu. To build a report:

  1. Select Build|Skip-Edit Check Report.
  2. Skip-Edit Check Report (*.RTF) will appear in the Save as type box.
  3. Enter a File Name (default is Design Studio name + Skip-Edit Check Report.RTF).
  4. Select Options to update report settings (optional).
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select Save.

Build|Skip-Edit Check Report dialog bos

If any test settings include an invalid value, QDS will display a validation message: “Warning: Test response for Element <#> was either not in range or not an allowed response and was reset to <new value>”, where <new value> is the default value for that response type.


A prompt box will ask if you wish to proceed with the Build step; if you say Yes, QDS will then display a dialog box asking "Would you like to open the RTF document now?" If you say Yes, the document will open in your default word processor.

The following details will be included for each Element type:

Data Elements

Automatic Variables

  • Variable name
  • Numeric code (for text variables, this is the number of characters)
  • Display value
  • Special considerations:
    • If an Automatic Variable is a numeric calculation and the calculation requires a mathematical calculation to be done using a previous variable whose value is a Special Code (e.g., Don’t Know), the numeric code for the Automatic Variable will be set to the missing code value (-1) and the display will be set to Undefined. The minimum and maximum values will reflect the range of possible values.
    • If an Automatic Variable is skipped due to a prior branching instruction, the numeric code will be 0, the display value will be blank and the maximum and minimum values will be displayed. The minimum and maximum values will reflect the range of possible values.

Skip Instructions

  • Item identifier, e.g. Skip-1 or custom name
  • If statement
  • Logical result of If statement: TRUE, FALSE, or MAYBE
  • Description of action that will occur based on result, e.g., “Skip VAR5”
    • If the result is MAYBE and the “Branch on maybe” option was unchecked (default setting), the action will be the same as when the condition evaluates to FALSE
  • If a Skip Instruction is skipped over by a prior Skip Instruction or Edit Element, the result is listed as “not processed”

Edit Elements

  • Item identifier, e.g. Edit-1 or custom name
  • If statement
  • Display Message, if applicable
  • Logical result of If statement: TRUE, FALSE, or MAYBE
  • Description of action that will occur, e.g. “Loop back to question Q10”
    • If the result is MAYBE and the “Branch on maybe” option was unchecked (default setting), the action will be the same as when the condition evaluates to FALSE
  • If an Edit Element is skipped over by a prior Skip Instruction or Edit Element, the result is listed as “not processed”